Environmental Policy

JX Metals Trading has positioned the environment as a top priority management theme, and accordingly is implementing a wide range of measures. The Company is also vigorously fulfilling its role as a corporate citizen through recycling valuables, detoxifying harmful materials, and promoting use of eco-friendly substances.

Environmental Policy

JX Metals Trading, as a member of the JX Metals Group, an integrated producer of nonferrous metals and cutting-edge materials will comply with various environmental regulations, in accordance with the Group's basic policy. The Company will pursue the following activities in order to conserve the global environment and build a sustainable society.

  1. 1The Company will contribute to realize a decarbonized society promoting resource and energy saving activities to attain or with a goal of zero emissions of greenhouse gas.
  2. 2The Company will promote the active utilization of raw materials and manufactured products that will reducel environmental impact.
  3. 3The Company will establish effective industrial-waste treatment systems to reduce, reuse, recycle the waste, and consequently realize a recycling-oriented society.
  4. 4The Company will provide environmental education with the employees, each of whom will consequently understand the significance of environmental conservation.
  5. 5The Company will proactively and fairly disclose information about the environmental conservation activities, to give stakeholders a clear understanding of them.

ISO14001 Certification

We are uniquely manufacturing some materials used for electric and electronic components with a name of trading company.
The Amagasaki that fabricates metals products and the Takatsuki plant that produces surface finishing chemicals has obtained ISO14001* certifications, to develop environment-friendly production activities.

  • *ISO14001:An international standard on environmental management systems certified by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
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